
Aqueous Solutions That Conduct Electricity

three.4: Aqueous Solutions

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  • Learning Objectives

    • Outline the differences between strong electrolyte, weak electrolyte, and a nonelectrolyte

    • Predict the solubility of ionic compounds in water using solubility rules

    • Memorize the six strong acids that are potent electrolytes


    Many reactions that we deal with in Full general Chemistry involve water. We discussed solutions in Chapter 1 in which the solute is  dissolved in a solvent to brand a solution. Nosotros will be studying reactions in which the solvent is water,  known as aqueous solutions. Before nosotros explore the different types of aqueous reactions, we must first understand what happens to ionic compounds once they dissolve in water. To dissolve an ionic compound, you must separate the cations from the anions. H2o is specially good at the task considering it is a polar molecule (more on this afterwards) in which the hydrogen finish is partially positive (stabilizing the anions) and the oxygen end is partially negative (stabilizing the cations). Typically, cations and anions are dispersed evenly in the solvent. If you identify an electrode, a usher of electricity such every bit a copper wire, in the solution and you connect it to a battery, you lot are able to conduct electricity due the flow of charged particles. Let us discuss the possibilities of what might occur when ionic compounds are placed in water.


    Pure h2o does not conduct electricity, and information technology has been observed that when a substance dissolves in water, it may produce mobile ions that let the h2o to carry electricity, and nosotros phone call that chemical compound an electrolyte, or information technology may not, in which case nosotros phone call it a nonelectrolyte.

    This diagram shows three separate beakers. Each has a wire plugged into a wall outlet. In each case, the wire leads from the wall to the beaker and is split resulting in two ends. One end leads to a light bulb and continues on to a rectangle labeled with a plus sign. The other end leads to a rectangle labeled with a minus sign. The rectangles are in a solution. In the first beaker, labeled

    Figure \(\PageIndex{ane}\) Ethanol on the left is a nonelectrolyte and does not comport electricity. KCl is a strong electrolyte and the bulb is very bright. Acetic acid is a weak electrolyte, and although the prototype may not prove information technology, if the concentrations are the same, the lite is dimmer than for the KCl

    There are 2 basic means an aqueous chemical compound can be an electrolyte.

    Soluble Ionic Compounds

    If ionic compounds dissolve and course a solution, the ions separate and are free to movement about and conduct the electricity. But not all ionic compounds dissolve, and then they tin exist weak, stiff or even nonelectrolytes. Typically, the undissolved ionic chemical compound forms a solid that falls to the bottom every bit a precipitate.
    Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\) Figure \(\PageIndex{two}\) In the higher up image, the solid KCl is beingness surrounded by h2o molecules which crusade the ions to leave the crystal and enter the solution. Once they enter the solution they are mobile and can conduct electricity, and then KCl is an electrolyte (it is actually a strong electrolyte)

    Covalent Compound that React with Water

    The second style to produce an electrolyte happens with certain types of covalent molecules that react with the h2o. Acids requite a proton to the water and so form ions as in the image below where HCl reacts with water to from chloride and hydronium ions. Some bases volition extract a proton from the water and form ions, equally in the example below of ammonia, which grabs a proton from the water forming the weak electrolyte ammonium hydroxide. Just equally in the instance with ionic compounds, covalent compounds tin can be weak, strong, or nonelectrolytes.

    This figure shows two flasks, labeled a and b. The flasks are both sealed with stoppers and are nearly three-quarters full of a liquid. Flask a is labeled H C l followed by g in parentheses. In the liquid there are approximately twenty space-filling molecular models composed of one red sphere and two smaller attached white spheres. The label H subscript 2 O followed by a q in parentheses is connected with a line to one of these models. In the space above the liquid in the flask, four space filling molecular models composed of one larger green sphere to which a smaller white sphere is bonded are shown. To one of these models, the label H C l followed by g in parentheses is attached with a line segment. An arrow is drawn from the space above the liquid pointing down into the liquid below. Flask b is labeled H subscript 3 O superscript positive sign followed by a q in parentheses. This is followed by a plus sign and C l superscript negative sign which is also followed by a q in parentheses. In this flask, no molecules are shown in the open space above the liquid. A label, C l superscript negative sign followed by a q in parentheses, is connected with a line segment to a green sphere. This sphere is surrounded by four molecules composed each of one red sphere and two white smaller spheres. A few of these same molecules appear separate from the green spheres in the liquid. A line segment connects one of them to the label H subscript 2 O which is followed by l in parentheses. There are a few molecules formed from one central larger red sphere to which three smaller white spheres are bonded. A line segment is drawn from one of these to the label H subscript 3 O superscript positive sign, followed by a q in parentheses.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{three}\) In the above image the gaseous molecule HCl dissolves in water (a), where it so gives a proton to the water and forms the electrolyte with chloride and hydronium ions.

    \[\text{NH}_{3} + \text{H}_{two}\text{O} \rightleftharpoons \text{NH}_{4}^{+} + \text{OH}^{-}\]


    Effigy \(\PageIndex{four}\) In the in a higher place epitome, ammonia grabs a proton from h2o forming ammonium hydroxide

    Types of Electrolytes

    Compounds tin be Potent, Weak, or Nonelectrolytes

    1. Strong Electrolytes – strong conductors of electricity due to germination of a large number of mobile ions
    2. Weak Electrolytes -Weak conductors of electricity due to germination of a few mobile ions
    3. NonElectrolytes – nonconductors of electricity every bit they do not form ions in aqueous solutions

    Potent Electrolytes

    Ionic - Soluble Salts and Strong Bases
    NaCl(aq) --> Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)
    NaOH(aq) --> Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

    Covalent - Strong Acids (protonate water)
    HCl(aq) + H2O --> H3O+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)
    H2Then4 (aq) + H2O --> HiiiO+ (aq) + HSO4 - (aq)


    There are half dozen potent acids that yous must know that are stiff electrolytes:

    • i. HCl (hydrochloric acid)
    • 2. H2And thenfour (sulfuric acid)
    • 3. HNO3 (nitric acid)
    • iv. HBr (hydrobromic acid)
    • 5. HClOiv (perchloric acrid)
    • 6. Hello (hydroiodic acid)

    Whatever other acid tin be deduced to be a weak acid, and therefore, a weak electrolyte.

    Weak Electrolytes

    Ionic - Slightly Soluble Salts
    CoCl2 (south) <==> Co+2(aq) + 2Cl- (aq)

    Covalent - Weak Acids & Amine Bases (hydrolyze h2o)
    HF(aq) + H2O <==> H3O+ (aq) + F- (aq)
    NH3 (aq) + H2O <==> NH4 + (aq) + OH-


    Ionic - Insoluble Salts
    CoS(aq) <=--> Co+2(aq) + South-2 (aq)

    Covalent - Molecules which do not hydrolyze or protonate h2o
    C12H22Oeleven(s) + H2O --> C12H22O11(aq)

    The following animations gives an atomic scale visualization of strong, weak and nonelectrolytes

    Video iii.4a: 2'37" Youtube blitheness giving an explaination for how some compounds can be weak, stiff or non-electrolytes.

    Quick 1'29" video showing conductivty of various solutes. Note, the solid ionic compounds practise not behave because their ions are not mobile. You should pause the video before the add the light bulbs and try and predict if the bulb will come on.

    Solubility Rules

    Nosotros saw that some compounds are soluble, other are partially soluble, and some are are completely insoluble. How do we know determine this? We volition start off with the simplest types, which are ionic compounds, and we will base of operations these on the nature of the ions. There are sort of ii opposing processes going on. Are the attractions of the ions in the crystal stronger than their attraction towards the water, or weaker? If the ionic attractions within the crystal are stronger, they do not deliquesce and they form a precipitate. If on the other hand, the ions are more attracted to the water, they exit the crystal and the chemical compound is soluble. We volition use the solubility rules to determine if a salt is soluble or not.

    What are the Solubility Rules?

    These are what I am calling a "dominion of pollex," and allow u.s.a. to roughly predict if a salt will dissolve or non. Information technology must be understood that the concept is relative, for example, table table salt is considered a soluble table salt and if you add table salt to water information technology will dissolve a lot, up to 359g per liter, but at that point it becomes saturated, and whatever more will form a precipitate. On the other hand silverish chloride is an insoluble salt, and you lot tin can only dissolve 0.0019g into 1 liter, but any more will autumn to the lesser every bit a precipitate.

    Note, some textbooks give slightly different rules, and this set up is incomplete. If your text is unlike, delight discuss this with your instructor. When you go to general chemistry 2 you will learn a different approach, where nosotros can quantify the amount dissolved for an insoluble salt, like the ane.9 mg/liter for silverish chloride.

    Is in that location a strategy to using the solubility rules?

    Yes, for the ones I take gear up below.

    • We get-go look at the [+] cation, and ask if it is any one of the cations listed in step IA. If yes, we say information technology is soluble, and the question is answered. After this step nosotros focus on the [-] anions. If information technology is not soluble from step 1A, we go to 1B, and if the anion is from this list, it is soluble.
    • We now go to the compounds that are usually soluble, step II, and you lot need to memorize the exceptions, which are insoluble.
    • We at present go to the compounds that are usually insoluble, stride III, and you demand to memorize the exceptions, which are soluble.

    Notation: the exceptions in steps Two and Iii take opposite meanings.

    Solubility Rules

    I. Soluble
    a. Grouping 1A & Ammonium (the but cations in this listing)
    b. NO3 -, ClO4 -, ClO3 -, CH3CO2 -

    Two. Usually Soluble
    a. Cl-, Br-, I-, (Except those with Ag+, Hg2 +2, & Atomic number 82+ii)
    b. F- (Except Mg+2, Ca+two, Sr+2, Ba+2 & Pb+2)

    b. SO4 -2 (Except those with Ca+two, Sr+ii, Ba+2, Ag+ & Pb+2)

    III Insoluble (Except with cations from I.A)
    a. OH- (Except those with Sr+ii& Ba+two)
    b Everything else (this is not true, but will work in this grade)

    Do \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    Use the solubility rules to decide if the following compounds are soluble or insoluble. Indicate answer by writing formula followed by (aq) for soluble and (due south) for insoluble. (Yous may also desire to write the names of the species)

    A) PbSO4

    B) NaClO4


    A) Insoluble. Sulfate ions are typically soluble, but lead(II) is an exception, so lead(II) sulfate is an insoluble solid. This ways that PbSO4 (s) is not broken up into ions in water, but is a precipitate.

    B) Soluble. perchlorate ions and alkali metals are soluble, then sodium perchlorate is soluble, significant that it breaks up into ions, Na+(aq) + ClO- four (aq) in water.

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{two}\)

    Place the following as a strong electrolyte, a weak electrolyte, or a non-electroylte.

    A) Ba(NO3)2

    B) HthreePO4

    C) C6H12O6

    D) HNOiii



    A) strong electrolyte - soluble in water, ions are produced

    B) weak electrolyte - weak acid (not one of the half dozen)

    C) not-electrolyte - molecular compound, not ionic

    D) strong electrolyte- strong acrid (one of the six)

    E) non-electrolyte - insoluble precipitate - no ions formed

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{iii}\)

    Both salt (NaCl) and tabular array sugar, glucose (CsixH12O6) dissolve in water. Why is salt water a potent electrolyte, while carbohydrate water is a not-electrolyte?


    NaCl is an ionic compound that dissociates into ions that carry electricity.C 6 H 12 O 6 is a molecular chemical compound that does not break up into ions, and therefore, does non deport electricity. The saccharide molecule remains intact, but each sugar molecule is separated from the other when added to water. The reason is dissolves in h2o is considering of the term "the like dissolves the like", significant both carbohydrate and water are polar molecules. We will hash out this in more depth afterward in the text.

    Practice Worksheet : Identify if the following compounds are soluble or insoluble.

     Worksheet Primal- Check your work.


    • Bob Belford (UALR) and November Palmer (UALR)
    • Modified by Ronia Kattoum (UA of Little Rock)

    Aqueous Solutions That Conduct Electricity,


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